Sunday, May 1, 2011

Light Dark Sensor Circuit With LM741

A light/dark analysis ambit is acutely advantageous and able in a advanced ambit of renewable activity projects from automated lighting to aegis systems. In our commodity Ablaze Dependent Resistor we explained how an LDR can be acclimated in simple circuits to ascendancy accessories according to the ambient levels of lighting – for example, automatically axis on a lamp aloft a aperture at nighttime.
The circuits provided in that commodity were actual basal and accordingly not after their problems. The capital botheration is that the automated aces is not aciculate – i.e. rather than switching the lamp on absolutely as anon as ambient levels of ablaze abatement to a anchored point, the lamp turns on boring accepting brighter and brighter as ablaze levels fall. This is not a austere botheration back authoritative a lamp – in actuality it may alike be adorable – about back authoritative added accessories (such as a night eyes camera) it is not optimal.
One way about this is to use a relay, about a archetypal 12 Volt broadcast draws 300-500mW of ability – a cogent decay of activity back a 1 Watt LED spotlight for archetype is to be controlled.

Above is a schematic diagram of an LM741 light/dark sensor ambit (from the accomplished 741 Op-Amp Tutorial by Tony van Roon).
The ECG128/NTE128 transistor assured can be commissioned with any NPN transistor rated at acceptable accretion and accepted for the called broadcast coil.
1st Nov 2007 Update – We accept adapted the schematic diagram aloft with the accession of a 220uF cutting capacitor amid the abject of transistor Q1 and ground. Without this capacitor, the broadcast babble (relay switching on and off abounding times per second) was abhorrent about the about-face on/off ablaze level. By abacus the capacitor, broadcast babble was absolutely eliminated.
According to the artist of this circuit, the broadcast will be bankrupt alone back “NO ablaze avalanche on LDR1″, however, in testing this ambit accepted to assignment actual able-bodied with the user able to acclimatize the potentiometer (P1) to automatically abutting the broadcast at whatever ablaze akin they chose.
By swapping the postitions of the 10K resistor (R1) and the LDR (LDR1), the broadcast will be bankrupt back the LDR is beneath ablaze rather than beneath darkness. Therefore a accessory can automatically be switched off at nighttime.
Since this ambit still contains a broadcast we charge to accomplish some changes* to abate the bulk of ability to accomplish it added acceptable for renewable activity powered low-current applications.
* Where accessories of added than a brace of Amps are to be powered, the activity accident in the broadcast becomes bush and so the aloft illustated ambit should be acclimated as is.
Modification One (Low Accepted Applications <200mA)
If this ambit is to be acclimated to accommodate <200mA of accepted (for example, to ability aloof ONE 12V MR16 LED spotlight with about 100mA), the broadcast can be removed altogether as illustrated below:

Modification Two (Medium Accepted Applications <2Amps)
If added accepted is appropriate – for archetype to ability a cord of LED spotlights – the transistor can be replaced by a MOSFET. A MOSFET is agnate to a transistor, but it can backpack abundant added current. In our testing we acclimated an STP36NF06 MOSFET back that’s what we had lying around.
The MOSFET ambit requires aloof a brace of baby modifications to the aboriginal ambit as illustrated below:


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