Sunday, May 1, 2011

Digital LCD Thermometer Circuit

Digital LCD Thermometer Circuit

At this thermometer, the IC thermo sensor (S8100) or the diode (1S1588) is acclimated as the thermo sensor. Back application the IC thermo sensor, the thermometry to +100°C from -40°C is possible. Also, back application the diode, the altitude to +150°C from -20°C is possible. Both sensors are independent in the kit.
This time, I acclimated the diode as the thermo sensor to admeasurement added than +100°C.
ICL7136 of Intersil (Harris) is acclimated for the thermometer and is barometer the change of the advanced administration minute voltages of the diode by the temperature. The 3-1/2 digits aqueous clear affectation (SP521PR) is acclimated for the display. The best cogent chiffre can affectation alone “1″.
The burning electric ability of ICL7136 is actual baby and it is accessible to accomplish about 3 months continuously with the 9-V cell.
The capital genitalia are independent in the kit. The artificial case and the corpuscle are contained. But, there is not a affiliation cable of the sensor.


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