Monday, July 23, 2012

IR Remote Extender Circuit

This IR Remote extender can increase the range of most simple ir remote (those operating on a 40KHz modulation) a signivicant distance.In use ,the remote is pointed toward the detector on the circuit,and a button is pressed.The sharp IR detector then decodes the 40KHz modulated signal into a series of pulse,which trigger a 555 timer.The 555 outputs pulses which are re-modulated and used to drive an IR LED.The circuit is excellent for use in a large room like a presentation hall where a typical IR remote is a bit weak .By extending the wires to the output LED(using shielded cable) you can control a device where line of sight isn't avalaible (such as a wall full of TVS in another room).

Part :

PartTotal QTYDescriptionSubstitution
R1,R6210K 1/4 Resistorgd
R211K 1/4 Resistorgd
R3110K linear Potgd
R412.2K 1/4 Resistorgd
R514.7Ohm 1/4W Resistorgd
C110.01 uF Ceramic Disc Capacitorgd
Q1,Q222N3904 NPN Transistorgd
U11GP1U52X IR Modulegd
U21TLC555 CMOS Timergd
MISC1Board,Socket for U2,Wiregd


  1. Only the CMOS TLC555 timer can be used in this circuit. The original NE555 cannot operate reliably at 40KHz. Acceptable substitutions are shown in the parts list.
  2. Almost all powerful IR LEDs can be used for D1 if the appropriate value of R5 is chosen.
  3. To calibrate the circuit, use a frequency counter. Connect it in parallel with D1 and then ground the base of Q1. Adjust R3 for 40KHz on the counter. If a counter is not available, you will just have to point a remote at the circuit, press a button, and then adjust R3 until it works. This can take a few tries as not all remotes transmit continuously.
  4. If you intend to remotely mount D1 any great distance, you will need to use shielded cable. Connect the shield to circuit ground.


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