Sunday, July 22, 2012

12V DC Flourescent Lamp Driver

Here it is,it uses a normal 120 to 6v stepdown transformer in reverse to step 12v to about 350v to drive a lamp without the need to warm the fiolaments.

Part :

PartTotal QTyDescriptionSubstitution
C11100 uf 25v electrolytic Capacitord
C2,C320,01 uf 25v Ceramic Disc Capacitord
C410,01 uf 1Kv Ceramic Disc Capacitord
R111K 1/4W Resistord
R212,7K 1/4W Resistord
U11TLC555 Timer ICd
T116V 300mA Transformerd
LAMP14W Fluorescent Lampd
MISC1Board,Wire,Heatsink for Q1d

Notes :
  1. Q1 must be installed on a heatsink
  2. A 240v to 10v transformer will work better then the one in the part list.The problem is that they are hard to fine.
  3. This circuit can give a nasty (but not dangerous) shock.Be careful around the output leads.


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