Saturday, December 4, 2010

Components Transformers

1. Iron CoreIron core serves to simplify the way flux, magnetic generated by the electric current through the coil. Made from thin metal plates are insulated, to reduce heat (as iron loss) generated by Eddy Current.

2. Transformer coilTransformer coil is a few winding insulated wire forming a coil or coils. Coil consists of a primary coil and secondary coils are well insulated against the iron core and to the inter-coil with solid insulation such as cardboard, pertinak and others. Coil as a means of voltage and current transformation.
3. Transformer OilTransformer oil is one of the liquid insulating material used as insulation and coolant in transformers.• As part of the insulating material, the oil must have the ability to resist breakdown voltage, whereas• as a transformer coolant oil should be capable of reducing the heat generated,so with both the ability of the oil is expected to be able to protect the transformer from the disorder.
 Transformer oil have the element or compound contained hydrocarbons are paraffinic hydrocarbon compounds, hydrocarbon compounds naftenik and aromatic hydrocarbon compounds. Besides all these compounds, transformer oils still contain a compound called additive, although its content is very small. 
4. BushingThe relationship between the coil transformers with external networks via a bushing that is a conductor covered by an insulator. Bushing also functions as an insulator / insulator between the conductor with the transformer tank. On equipped facilities for testing bushing bushing condition that is often called a center tap. 
5. Conservator TankConservator tank serves to contain reserves of oil and steam / air from warming due to load current transformer. Among the transformer tank and paired relays bucholzt gas that will absorb oil production due to damage. To keep the oil is not contaminated with water, tip into the airways through the release channel / venting moisture absorbing media has on the air, often referred to as silica gel and he's not out polluting the surrounding air.
6. Auxiliary Transformer Cooling EquipmentIn the iron core and coil - the coil will heat arising from the copper losses. So the heat is resulting in excessive temperature rise, this will damage the insulation, then to reduce the excessive temperature rise of the transformer need to be equipped with tools or cooling system to distribute the heat out of the transformer, the media used in the cooling system can be: Air / Gas, Oil and Water.
In a natural way, streaming media as a result of differences in temperature and to accelerate the cooling media from the media (minyak-udara/gas) by completing the transformer with the fins (radiators). When the desired heat distribution for faster again, how the manual can be equipped with equipment to speed up the circulation of cooling media to pump the oil circulation pump, air and water, this method is called forced cooling (Forced). 
7. Tap ChangerThe quality of electric power operation if its nominal voltage according to the regulations, but at the time of surgery may decrease the voltage so that quality is declining, it is necessary to instrument voltage regulator for voltage obtaining the best conditions, constant and ongoing.
For the transformer is designed so that changes the voltage at the entrance / input does not result in changes in voltage on the exit / output, in other words the voltage on the exit / output fixed. This tool is referred to as the lead regulator of termination voltage without load, commonly referred to as On Load Tap Changer (OLTC). In general, OLTC connected on the primary side and the amount depends on the design and system changes the voltage on the network

8. Respirator (Dehydrating breather)As a shelter expansion due to heat insulation oil which arise, then the oil stored in tanks which are often referred to as a conservator. On the surface of the oil conservator is sought must not interfere with the air, because the humidity of air containing water vapor will contaminate the oil even if the process lasts long enough pengkontaminasinya. To overcome this, the air enters the tank at the oil conservator becomes cold moisture requires a media vacuum, which is used usually is silica gel. The opposite if the transformer hot so when it shrinks it will suck air from outside into the tank and to avoid contamination by air humidity, we need a media that is used usually sucking moisture is silica gel, which is specially designed for the purpose mentioned above.

9. Indicatorsa. Thermometer / Temperature Gauge,
this instrument serves to measure the heat from the transformer, both primary and secondary coils heat the oil too trafonya. This thermometer works on the basis of mercury (mercury / Hg) which is connected with the expansion tube and connected with the degree of heat indicator needle.Some thermometers combined with heat from the resistor (which is connected with a special current transformer, mounted on one phase middle phase) thus obtained the designation is relative to the heat is actually happening.
b. Surface oil / Level Gauge,
this tool serves for the designation of existing high-oil surface on the conservator. There are several types of appointment, such appointment is with immediate estimate on how to install glass conservator so that one side will easily find the oil level. Meanwhile, another type if the conservator is designed to complement such a balloon of elastic material and filled with regular air and equipped with protective equipment such as the respiratory system so that expansion and contraction of the oil-air enters the balloon in a dry and safe condition.


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